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Energy Efficient A+++ triple glazed Windows

Our new Double glazing & triple glazing windows help reduce your carbon footprint and heating bills that are available in A++ & A+++ ratings. We’re always at the forefront of technology and recent advances mean our energy-saving windows are more effective than ever. Each of our windows are tested and rated, so you know exactly how effective it is at keeping out the cold, retaining heat and saving you money.

Energy efficiency and reducing your carbon footprint is important to many of U.K. windows & doors ltd. customers. To help you compare the effectiveness of each of our energy efficient windows. Each window is assessed to measure how well it prevents heat loss, keeps droughts out and how well it absorbs natural free energy from the sun.

Our u PVC windows achieve an A++ rating as standard double glazed – meaning that they gain more of the suns free energy than they lose through thermal transmittance. Ratings of A++and A+++ are possible on our u PVC windows. Our A++ double glazed option makes the most of solar energy. While our triple glazed options available up to an A+++, offer the best in reducing heat loss and its more secure and safer with 3 layers of glass.

By installing U.K. windows & doors ltd., you’ll be confident your home will be as warm as possible, saving you money at the same time.